Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle/Forum Social Sciences Review 2022/5



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Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle/Forum Social Sciences Review 2022/5 : Annual Scientific Journal in English Language

Editor – Szerkesztő – Redaktor: Barnabás Vajda

Head of the Editorial Board – Predseda redakčnej rady – A szerkesztőbizottság elnöke : László Öllös

Members of the Editorial Board – Szerkesztőbizottság – Redakčná rada: Zoltán Biró A. (Romania), Gábor Csanda (Slovakia), Csilla Fedinec (Hungary), Holger Fischer (Germany), László Gurgyík (Slovakia), Péter Hunčík (Slovakia), Petteri Laihonen (Finland), Zsuzsanna Lampl (Slovakia), István Lanstyák (Slovakia), Zsolt Lengyel (Germany), József Liszka (Slovakia), András Mészáros (Slovakia), Attila Simon (Slovakia), László Szarka (Hungary), Andrej Tóth (Czech Republic), László Végh (Slovakia)

Šamorín, Fórum inštitút pre výskum menšín, vol. 24, 2022/5, 121 p.

ISSN 2729-9740


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NOVOTNÝ, LUKÁŠ: “Unless all indications to now are lying, Czechoslovak domestic policy is on the path towards a gradual transformation of the nation state into a state of nations.” German Activism in the 1920s in the Reports of the Austrian Minister to Prague, Ferdinand Marek

CSERNICSKÓ, ISTVÁN – FEDEINEC, CSILLA: The competition of languages in the Lingusitic landscape of Transcarpathia in Czechoslovak Republic (1919-1939): a partial analysis

GYURGYÍK, LÁSZLÓ: Quo vadis? The number of Hungarians in Slovakia based on nationality and mother tongue data of the 2021 census

MESTER, BÉLA: The Usage of the Common Sense in the Public Philosophy of European Modernity

Central European Forum

AKYÜZ, AHMET KAAN: Robert College During the Years of Conflict 1908-1918

BRHLÍKOVÁ, RADOSLAVA: Citizens or non-citizens – discrimination against the Russian minority in the Baltics

KOVÁCS, GÁBOR: New Wine in old bottle? Classical notions of political philosophy in a changed political reality

Book reviews

Kontra, Miklós – Borbély, Anna (eds.): Tanulmányok a budapesti beszédről a Budapesti Szociolingvisztikai Interjú alapján [Papers on Budapest Speech based on „The Budapest Sociolinguistic Interview”] Reviewed by Veronika Jakab Dančo

Kollai, István: Szlovákia királyt választ [Slovakia Elects a Monarch] Reviewed by László Öllös

Simon, Attila: Az átmenet bizonytalansága. Az 1918/1919-es impériumváltás Pozsonytól Kassáig [The Uncertainty of Transition: The „Change of Sovereignties” in 1918 and 1919, form Pozsony [Bratislava] to Kassa [Košice]] Reviewed by Gergely Bödők

Holec, Roman: Trianon – triumf a katastrofa [Trianon – Triumph and Tragedy] Reviewed by Attila Simon

Liszka, József (ed.): Monumentumok. Szakrális (és „szakrális”) kisemlékek a Kárpát-medencében [Monuments. Sacred (and „sacred”) small relics in the Carpathian Basin] Reviewed by Zoltán Magyar

Guidelines for Authors


Our journal is part of the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences – ERIH Plus evaluation system. The FSSR is part of the Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) international database. Forum Social Sciences Review is acknowledged by the Historical Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA Történettudományi Bizottsága) as a fully accredited publication forum.

The publication is supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia) and the Academic Council of Hungarian Scientists in Slovakia (Szlovákiai Magyar Akadémiai Tanács).

További információk


Fórum Kisebbségkutató Intézet

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