Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle/Forum Social Sciences Review 2021/5


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Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle/Forum Social Sciences Review 2021/5 : Annual Scientific Journal in English Language

Editor – Szerkesztő – Redaktor: Barnabás Vajda

Head of the Editorial Board – Predseda redakčnej rady – A szerkesztőbizottság elnöke : László Öllös

Members of the Editorial Board – Szerkesztőbizottság – Redakčná rada: Zoltán Biró A. (Romania), Csilla Fedinec (Hungary), Holger Fischer (Germany), László Gurgyík (Slovakia), Péter Hunčík (Slovakia), Petteri Laihonen (Finland), Zsuzsanna Lampl (Slovakia), István Lanstyák (Slovakia), Zsolt Lengyel (Germany), József Liszka (Slovakia), András Mészáros (Slovakia), Attila Simona(Slovakia), László Szarka (Hungary), Andrej Tóth (Czech Republic), László Végh (Slovakia)

Šamorín, Fórum inštitút pre výskum menšín, vol. 23, 2021/5, 139 p.

ISSN 2729-9740


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ÖLLÖS, LÁSZLÓ: Hungarian-Slovak Reconciliation and the National Peace

GYURGYÍK, LÁSZLÓ: The Ethnic Composition of Slovakia’s Municipalities, Based on the Data of the 1950 census

LAMPL, ZSUZSANNA: The Primary Results of the last Hungarian Identity Survey in Slovakia

LANSTYÁK, ISTVÁN: Language Problems, Language Related Social Problems, Metalinguistic Activities

SIMON, ATTILA: The Banned, the Controlled, the Shifted, and the Compulsory. National Holidays and the Hungarians in Slovakia in 1919

TÓTH, ÁGNES: In the Margins of a Party Resolution. The 1968 Resolution of the Political Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party on the Situation of the Nationalities in Hungary


EVERETT, JUDAS: Combatting Illiberalism in the Heart of Europe: Lessons from Slovakia


Öllös, László: European Identity (András A. Gergely)

Lampl, Zsuzsanna: The Political Identity of ethnic Hungarians in Slovakia, 1989-1990 (Gábor Csanda)

Gecse, Annabella: The Heart of Gemer/Gömör. Studies on the Popular Religious Practice of Gemer/Gömör in Southern Slovakia (Péter Vataščin)

Liszka, József (ed.): Acta Ethnologica Danubiana 22. – Az Etnolóigiai Központ Évkönyve – Ročenka Výskumného centra etnológie – Jahrbuch des Forschugszentrums für Europäische Ethnologie (Katalin Pajor)

Guidelines for Authors


Our journal is part of the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences – ERIH Plus evaluation system. The FSSR is part of the Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) international database. Forum Social Sciences Review is acknowledged by the Historical Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA Történettudományi Bizottsága) as a fully accredited publication forum.

The publication is supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia) and the Academic Council of Hungarian Scientists in Slovakia (Szlovákiai Magyar Akadémiai Tanács).


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